Hi. I am a marketer with over 25 years building brands and teams. I believe that conversation is the most potent currency in today’s world and that people would rather talk about what you do than what you say. As a result, I have focused my work on helping brands and businesses take strong actions that are meaningful in culture and that build respect, trust and affinity with consumers.
I have had the privilege of working on some really really great brands with some really really great people. I value these relationships deeply and love what I do.
I am a father, husband, bad guitarist, worse singer, hockey player, conscious-eater, music-lover, puzzle fanatic, voracious reader, wine-drinker, cheesy joke teller, nature-lover and friend.
360 W Baltimore Ave
Larkspur CA 94939
+1 .415.699.6145
I am here to help. My skill set is best applied to:
Brand Positioning and Strategy
Interim CMO needs
Marketing Org Design
Campaign Developmnet
Here is a talk I gave that lays out some of my experience and approach to brand building.